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L2 Su<span class="highlight">p</span><span class="highlight">p</span>ly Chain
WBL: Business Services
L2 UAL Award and Di<span class="highlight">p</span>loma in Art and Design (CC)
Art and Design
Level 2 Diploma in Art & Design
The UAL Awarding Body Level 2 Diploma in Art & Design has been designed to provide students with the skills, knowledge and understanding necessary to progress to further study and training in a range of art and design subjects, including fine art, photography, graphic design, textiles with fashion product design and design crafts. The qualification's structure provides a linked introduction to the broad context within which art and design activity sits.
The qualification is made up of 9 Units, 7 Units are mandatory and 2 Units are Optional. All units are related to the art and design sector, all are delivered through vocational learning.